Tigger's Tribe
Hello from the Tigger Family
Well a lot of changes have happened in our lives since I have updated this page.. Kevin Amy and I have moved from Wisconsin to Tennessee. Kevin transfered with his job so we are on a new adventure. We built a home that we really love and have been very busy trying to decorate and landscape and everything else that goes along with it. Sure does keep us busy. We love the mountains and all the people we have met have been real friendly and helpful to us. Southern hospitality is the best!! I have gotten a new job working in housekeeping at the local hospital and have some great people to work with so I am happy to be there. We still miss our Wisconsin friends and our families but thank goodness for the computers, email and icq so that we can keep contact with all our loved ones. Well I guess that is all I have to say for now.. Thanks for checking out our homepage, hope you enjoy it... TTFN...The Tigger Family
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